Diego Suarez

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Revision as of 06:31, 10 November 2011 by MissMada (talk | contribs) (Places to visit)

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Places to visit

Day Exursions


La Capannina
Bar - Restaurant - Pizzeria

Le Balafomanga
Malagasy - Créole - Seafood

Internet Access


Kartiffa Hotel (14 rooms)
Tel: +261 (0)32 04 185 83 (mobile)
Email: toto@kikoohotel.com
Website: www.kikoohotel.com/kartiffa-hotel-diego-suarez.html

Grand Hotel
Tel: +261 (0)20 8223063
Email: grandhotel_diego@yahoo.fr
Website: www.grand-hotel-diego.com

Video about Diego Suarez (French)

Diego Suarez - Antoine