Vohitrarivo farmland

Revision as of 02:03, 22 December 2019 by CampMaster (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 02:03, 22 December 2019 by CampMaster (talk | contribs)

Vohitrarivo farmland is a 40ha land plat near the village of Vohitrarivo in the SAVA region of north east of Madagascar. Located in one of the cleanest parts of the world. The land area has been sparsely used for small-scale farming without use of fertilisers, pesticides or fossil-fueled farming methods at anytime in history. The land itself and surrounding terroir is all 100% naturally biological.

The land has been a designated farming area for three generations, two of which the land was used utilis for farming purposes. Although much grows in the area, there has been no regular farming activity since about year 2000, which has consequently left vegetation in most areas of the land grow the way nature designs it.

Crops and plants, partly wild, with some small-scale cultivation activity for personal needs of caretakers from Vohitrarivo village, include corn, sugarcane, pinapple, mango, lychee, cococut, banana, pepper, bamboo, breadfruit, vanilla, cassava, coffee, papaya, cocoa, chilli, cinammon and more.

In organic farming, this provides an an ideal companion-planting habitat which require no use of unnatural pesticides (as opposed to single-crop farming methods).

The site is located about 25km from the coast of the Indian Ocean and 20km inland about half-way between Antalaha and Sambava. From the crossing at Ambodipont Isahana, a village of about 300 inhabitants, take the road inland, passing Tananabaovao after 4.6km, a village of about 100 inhabitants. 7.6km after is the village of Ambinanifaho with about 2,000 inhabitants. 8km further is the village of Ambodilalona with about 800 inhabitants and 3km thereafter is Lanjarivo with about 1,000 inhabits and finally 2km from there is Vohitrarivo with about 500 inhabitants. Vohitrarivo is the nearest village to the land area, starting at 1km further inland.

The river Farariana which crosses through the land. There are no inhabited villages further upstream between the farming area and the source of the river. Downstream after the land, the Farariana river joins with Tananbao river and leads into the Indian Ocean.

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Distance around: 4.3 km
Minimum elevation: 12 m
Maximum elevation: 51 m