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Black Lemur Camp Sifaka circuit

10 bytes added, 05:44, 21 September 2019
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'''The Black Lemur Camp Sifaka circuit Circuit is an approximately 3.5km trek into habitats of the endangered [[Perrier's sifaka]], or ''Propithecus perrieri'', which is a diurnal lemur unique to this area of Madagascar.'''
The nocturnal [[Ankarana Sportive Lemur]], or ''Lepilemur ankaranensis'', can usually also be found in hollow trees along the trails in this same forest.
<HTML5video type="youtube">WHbTCDPl8oM</HTML5video>
== Tour data ==
Wednesday, Date: 18th September 18, 2019 1:26 PM EAT<br>Distance: 23.1 miles38 kilometres<br>Duration: 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 35 seconds<br>Average Speedspeed: 1.0 mph61 km/h<br>Minimum Elevationelevation: 1045 feet318.52 metres<br>Maximum Elevationelevation: 1584 feet178.00 metres<br>Total climb: 539 feet164.29 metres<br>Total descent: 477 feet145.39 metres<br>
== Further information ==

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