Trekking from Maroantsetra to Tampolo - Ambodiforaha - Masoala National Park

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Revision as of 06:03, 19 March 2019 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Trekking from Maroantsetra to Tampolo - Ambodiforaha - Masoala National Park, including camping on Nosy Mangabe. Return to Maroantsetra by speed boat.

This trek beginning at Maroantsetra to Tampolo is ideal for exploring the Aye-aye during an overnight stay at the private Farankaraina Tropical Park. After 3 days trekking you will see the beauty of the rainforest of Tampolo, Lohatrozona, Ambodiforaha and Masoala National Park. The difference by starting from Maroantsetra is a less expensive speed boat ride than from the Cap Masoala. There is also much wildlife and beautiful forest, but from the Cap you can visit two marine parks: Masoala village Marine Park and Tampolo Marine Park - for those who really want to experience some snorkelling.

Tour description

Day 1: Antananarivo - Maroantsetra - Farankaraina Tropical Park
At your arrival at Maroantsetra airport you are welcomed and picked up by your guide and taxi driver. After collecting all your luggage you drive to the harbour of Maroantsetra (15 to 25 minutes). From there you take a canoe for 1.5 hours following the river up to Andranofotsy. After an 2km walk you arrive at Farankaraina Tropical Park where you have lunch. In the afternoon we go for a hike to search for Aye-aye trees for our nightwalk. Throughout that search you can also see Madagascar crested ibis, White-fronted brown lemur and bamboo lemur. After a some rest and dinner we go for a nightwalk to find the nocturnal Aye-aye, Greater dwarf lemur and roosting birds. Overnight in bungalows at Farankaraina Tropical Park.

Going by pirogue from Maroantsetra to Andranofotsy

Day 2: Farankaraina Tropical Park - Iharaka
After breakfast we continue our trek. Along the way we will see chameleons, several birds species and villages. Picnic for lunch. Today we walk 7 hours along the coastline of the Masindrano Bay, an ideal setting for landscape photos. After dinner at Iharaka we sleep in tents.

View onto the Masindrano Bay at the village of Masindrano

Day 3: Iharaka - Nandrahanana

Early morning breakfast. Today the path leads over a few slopes and passes several beaches and picturesque landscape. We will see fishermen, fields, plantations and some open tavy areas. Picnic along the way. After dinner overnight in tents.


Day 4: Nandrahanana - Tampolo - Ambodiforaha - Masoala National Park

After breakfast we continue our trek through the Ambanizana comunity. Ambanizana is the biggest village near the park. Soon you will see more wildlife as we are entering Masoala National Park. You will see lemurs, birds and chameleons, fishermen camps and with a bit of luck even jumping dolphins from the beach. Picnic along the way. At the end of the day you will arrive at your lodge, which is one amongst several lodges existing in Masoala National Park.


Day 5: At the lodge - Tour through the primary rainforest
(5 - 7 hours)
After breakfast we take a tour through the primary rainforest for 5 -6 hours. On the tour we explore the best parts and beauty of the Masoala rainforest. It is the territory of Red ruffed lemur, White-fronted brown lemur, Ring-tailed mongoose, Parson's chameleon (Calumna parsonii), Brown leaf chameleon (Brookesia superciliaris) and Giraffe necked weevil. There are birds such as Helmet vanga, Bernier's vanga, Scaly ground-roller, Short-legged ground-roller, Red-fronted coua, Red-breasted coua, Blue coua, Madagascar serpent-eagle and Madagascar pygmy-kingfisher. Lunch will be at the lodge. After some relaxation you can go snorkelling in front of the lodge and thereafter enjoy the sunset at the beach. During the time of 15th June to 15th September you can see Humpback whales. After dinner overnight at the lodge. (Full board)

Red ruffed lemur

Day 6: At the lodge - Visit to the coastal forest and snorkelling at the Tampolo Marine Park

After breakfast we start our walk from the lodge through the coastal forest around Tampolo. If you are a botanist, you are welcome to the home of palms in Masoala: Satranala decusilvae, Dypsis carlsmithii (Stumpy Palm), Ravenea sambiranensis and Lemurophoenix halleuxii. Before we go back to the shoreline we cross the terretories of the Helmet vanga and Madagascar serpent eagle. Go for some snorkelling at the marine park around Tampolo, followed by lunch at the beach. In the afternoon there is time for more snorkelling and spotting parrotfish, nice coral reefs in various formations and different coloured angelfish. Most of our clients see sea turtles when doing some snorkelling with us. Also unforgettable is the blue water within the perfect landscape. Evening, dinner and overnight at the lodge. (Full board)

Rainforest around Tampolo

Day 7: Transfer back from lodge - Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve

Transfer by speed boat to Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve (1h20m to 1h45m, depending on sea conditions). After arrival errecting of a campsite for overnight. Before lunch we go for a soddenly hike (1h - 2h30m) to look for Black-and-white ruffed lemur and Peyrieras' pygmy chameleon (Brookesia peyrierasi) - the third smallest chameleon in the world. Usually it is also very easy to take photos of White-fronted brown lemur near the campsite. In the afternoon at around 3pm we go for another easy hike on flat paths to search for Leaf-tailed gecko, Mantella frogs, Mantidactylus frogs and some boas such as Madagascar tree boa (Sanzinia madagascariensis) and Madagascar ground boa (Acrantophis madagascariensis). Overnight on Nosy Mangabe with the opportunity to see the Brown mouse lemur or hearing noisy frogs around the camp at dusk.

Nosy Mangabe