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8 bytes added, 14:08, 3 December 2012
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While the marketing of the Madanga chocolate is or has been used in a context of advertising chocolate
made from a single source plantation in Madagascar named Madanga, this is simply fictional marketing.
Madanga is the name of a project name. The project that supports , together with Rausch and the government of Madagascar Malagasy Government, a farmers cooperative made up of serveral individual farmers, i.e. not a one single plantation named Madanga.
However, Rausch confirmed in to German media in November 2012 that the cocoa produced as part of the Madanga project does not fully meet the demand for the Madanga production (see link 30 Nov 2012 below). Therefore, not all cocoa used in the Madanga product is likely to come from Madagascar.
Additional information about the Madanga project on Rausch's homepage can be found at [].

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