
Le Rossini

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Ham of breast duck ''15000 Ariary''<br>
Zèbu carpaccio with pink pepper ''15500 Ariary''<br>
  Farandole de crevettes Mix of prawns in cocktail sauce cocktail ''15000 Ariary''<br>Marinade de poisson cru au poivre vert Raw fish marinated with green pepper (selon arrivagedepending on availability) ''15000 Ariary''<br>Trilogie de Trilogy of fish carpaccio de poisson gingembre et vinaigre balsamique with ginger and balsamic vinegar ''16500 Ariary''<br>Tartare de Poisson du jour Tatar from the fish of the day ''18000 Ariary''<br><br>
'''Entrées chaudes'''<br>