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The Makay Massif is a ruiniform sandstone massif in the south West of Madagascar. A full life will not be enough to explore it, because its large area (4000 km2, 150 km * 50 km) and its huge inextricable network of canons. The first inhabitants were banned a few hundred years ago by the actual Bara ethny, living in small villages all around the massif. The tangible evidence of the internal occupation and use of the Makay Massif by ancient populations are the unique cave paintings explorer since years 2010, first by the french explorer team created by [Evrard Wandenbaum][1], [NaturEvolution][2]. Nicolas Hulot, the actual french minister of Ecology was the first european communicating on the Massif of Makay, in years 2001. Due to the efforts to eplore the massif since ten years, and to the evident uniquiness of the Makay, the Malagasy governement recognizes in 2017 the Makay Massif as a New Protected Area (NPA) under the management of an independent Malagasy organization, NaturEvolution Madagascar, directed by Bernard Forgeau.