
Domaine du Lac

33 bytes added, 04:29, 12 July 2014
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'''Domaine du Lac is a private owned botanical and zoological garden, eight kilometres from [[Ivato International Airport|Ivato Airport]]. As the name indicates, the 2.5ha large park is located directly at a lake. Visitors can see numerous plant species and various animals, such as lemurs, tortoises, chameleons, snakes and frogs.'''
Just next to the entrance is a restaurant building. The food is worth a try, also the preparation of meals can take a bit long as everything is prepared fresh.
From the airport, Domaine du Lac can be reached by car within 20 minutes, following the road direction [[Croc Farm]].
The entrance fee is 5.,000 Ariary for Malagasy and 10.,000 Ariary for foreigner (prices of 2014).
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-18.79236" lon="47.50425" zoom="16" controls="large">
S 18°47.604'<br>
1264m 1,264m elevation