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This is the Embassy of Madagascar.
Based on yesterday's (4.5) President Rajuelina's public discourse and official announcements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I would like to tell you about the current trend and countermeasures of Corona 19 so far.
ㅇ As of yesterday (4.5), the total number of confirmed persons was 72 (32 women, 40 men / 51 foreign inflows, 21 domestic contact infections), and 0 deaths
    -Completed 2 out of 72 confirmed patients
    -Most of the contact infections occurred in three regions: Analamanga (Tana), Haute Matsiatra (Pianaranchu), and Antsinanana (Tamatab)
ㅇ Announcement of additional measures
    (1) All the measures under the existing restrictions on mobility continue to be valid until 4.18 (Sat) (8 pm-5 am curfew, a pass permit is required when going outside the shopping mall, school, church, leisure / exercise / entertainment / cultural facilities closed )
    (2) All citizens are obliged to wear masks when going out and working hours
    (3) Meetings of 50 or more people are prohibited
      => For workplaces with 50 or more permanent workers, the number of concurrent workers should be kept below 50. Workers must also wear masks and keep a gap of 1m or more.
    (4) For citizens who are unable to return to their capital or local residence due to the existing restrictions on mobility, domestic flights between the capital and the provinces only at 3 am from Tuesday, Tuesday (Tuesday) to 9 (Thursday), 05-11-11 Temporary organization of aviation and Taxi Bruce
      (However, in the case of domestic flights, stopovers can only be made in areas where no infected person has yet occurred in the area ((Mahajanga, Toliara, Taolagnaro, Nosy Be, Morondava, Antsiranana). After minutes, check the results).
      (In addition, in the case of Tax Bruce, it is possible to operate only under the condition that hygiene measures are taken, such as wearing a mask for transit time for all passengers, listing passengers at the boarding point, providing a disinfecting gel in the vehicle, and disinfecting / washing passengers hands every stop)
        => In summary, the flight between Tanah and Tamatab is also not allowed in 4.7-9 (both regions have already had contact infections).
ㅇ Additional measures for Tanah, Tamatav and Pianaranchu
    -Prohibited to go outside unless absolutely necessary
      => Even if you go out for shopping purposes in the morning, you can ask if you need to stop by stopping the car.
    -Logistics transportation vehicles can be moved freely except during curfew
    -Barriers installed on the passageways between regions
    -It is mandatory to wear a mask when going out, and if you have to work, you must also wear a mask at the office
    -If you have symptoms of corona-19, contact the designated hospital immediately
    -Expansion of installation of public water for washing hands
    -Potentially infected people will be diagnosed by health workers moving by family
ㅇ Other President's Notes
    -The Corona-19 Response Committee (Loharano), which will directly execute health hygiene and disease control in the region, along with the mayor and local government representatives of each local city, will also manage the distribution and control of relief supplies by village.
    -Health issues, management of workplaces that must continue working, etc. will all be controlled by Loharano
Dear fellow citizens,
Please tell the family, workers in the workplace, and acquaintances that you have to wear a mask from today to 18th (Sat) at all times. In regards to masks, our embassy is also grateful for the great donation made by Korean President Aimar.
You may be inconvenienced in many ways due to the extended traffic restrictions, but we ask that you do not be vigilant and personal privacy measures and social distance. Thank you.

Revision as of 17:34, 6 April 2020

This is the Embassy of Madagascar.
Based on yesterday's (4.5) President Rajuelina's public discourse and official announcements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I would like to tell you about the current trend and countermeasures of Corona 19 so far.

 ㅇ As of yesterday (4.5), the total number of confirmed persons was 72 (32 women, 40 men / 51 foreign inflows, 21 domestic contact infections), and 0 deaths
     -Completed 2 out of 72 confirmed patients
     -Most of the contact infections occurred in three regions: Analamanga (Tana), Haute Matsiatra (Pianaranchu), and Antsinanana (Tamatab)

ㅇ Announcement of additional measures
    (1) All the measures under the existing restrictions on mobility continue to be valid until 4.18 (Sat) (8 pm-5 am curfew, a pass permit is required when going outside the shopping mall, school, church, leisure / exercise / entertainment / cultural facilities closed )

    (2) All citizens are obliged to wear masks when going out and working hours

    (3) Meetings of 50 or more people are prohibited
       => For workplaces with 50 or more permanent workers, the number of concurrent workers should be kept below 50. Workers must also wear masks and keep a gap of 1m or more.

    (4) For citizens who are unable to return to their capital or local residence due to the existing restrictions on mobility, domestic flights between the capital and the provinces only at 3 am from Tuesday, Tuesday (Tuesday) to 9 (Thursday), 05-11-11 Temporary organization of aviation and Taxi Bruce
      (However, in the case of domestic flights, stopovers can only be made in areas where no infected person has yet occurred in the area ((Mahajanga, Toliara, Taolagnaro, Nosy Be, Morondava, Antsiranana). After minutes, check the results).
      (In addition, in the case of Tax Bruce, it is possible to operate only under the condition that hygiene measures are taken, such as wearing a mask for transit time for all passengers, listing passengers at the boarding point, providing a disinfecting gel in the vehicle, and disinfecting / washing passengers hands every stop)

        => In summary, the flight between Tanah and Tamatab is also not allowed in 4.7-9 (both regions have already had contact infections).
 ㅇ Additional measures for Tanah, Tamatav and Pianaranchu
    -Prohibited to go outside unless absolutely necessary
       => Even if you go out for shopping purposes in the morning, you can ask if you need to stop by stopping the car.
    -Logistics transportation vehicles can be moved freely except during curfew
    -Barriers installed on the passageways between regions
    -It is mandatory to wear a mask when going out, and if you have to work, you must also wear a mask at the office
    -If you have symptoms of corona-19, contact the designated hospital immediately
    -Expansion of installation of public water for washing hands
    -Potentially infected people will be diagnosed by health workers moving by family

 ㅇ Other President's Notes
    -The Corona-19 Response Committee (Loharano), which will directly execute health hygiene and disease control in the region, along with the mayor and local government representatives of each local city, will also manage the distribution and control of relief supplies by village.
    -Health issues, management of workplaces that must continue working, etc. will all be controlled by Loharano

Dear fellow citizens,
Please tell the family, workers in the workplace, and acquaintances that you have to wear a mask from today to 18th (Sat) at all times. In regards to masks, our embassy is also grateful for the great donation made by Korean President Aimar.

You may be inconvenienced in many ways due to the extended traffic restrictions, but we ask that you do not be vigilant and personal privacy measures and social distance. Thank you.

어제(4.5) 라주엘리나 대통령의 대국민담화 및 외교부 공식 발표자료를 토대로 현재까지의 코로나19 대응동향 및 주요 조치들을 아래 말씀드리겠습니다.

 ㅇ 어제(4.5) 기준 총 확진자는 72명(여성 32명, 남성 40명 / 외국 유입 51명, 국내 접촉감염 21명), 사망자 0명
     - 확진자 72명 중 2명 완치
     - 특히 대부분의 접촉감염이 Analamanga(타나 소재지), Haute Matsiatra(피아나란추 소재지), Antsinanana(타마타브 소재지) 3개 지역에서 발생

ㅇ 추가 조치 발표
    (1) 기존 이동제한령상의 모든 조치는 4.18(토)까지 계속 유효 (저녁 8시- 오전 5시 통금, 오전 장보기 외 외출시 통행허가증 필요, 학교.교회.여가/운동/오락/문화시설 폐쇄)

    (2) 모든 시민 모든 외출시 및 직장근로시간 내내 마스크 착용 의무화

    (3) 50인 이상 집회 금지
       => 50인 이상 상시근로자가 있는 작업장은 동시근무인원을 50인 미만으로 유지해주셔야 합니다. 근로자 전원 마스크 착용 및 1m 이상 간격두기 등도 지켜주셔야 합니다.

    (4) 기존 이동제한령으로 인해 수도 또는 지방내 거주지로 귀환하지 못하고 있는 시민들을 위해, 내일부터 3일간 오전, 즉 4.7(화)-9(목) 05시-11시, 에만 수도-지방간 국내선 항공 및 탁시브루스를 일시 편성
      (단, 국내선 항공의 경우, 아직 지역내 감염자가 발생치 않은 곳((Mahajanga, Toliara, Taolagnaro, Nosy Be, Morondava, Antsiranana)에만 기착이 가능하며 모든 탑승자는 탑승전 간편 코로나19 진단테스트(약 20분 후 결과확인) 실시 조건으로 탑승가능)
      (또한, 탁스브루스의 경우, 전승객 전이동시간 마스크 착용, 탑승지점에서의 승객 명부작성, 차량내 소독젤 구비, 정차시마다 소독/승객 손씻기 등 위생조치가 취해진다는 조건으로만 운행 가능)

        => 요약하여, 타나-타마타브간 항공기 운행은 4.7-9에도 불가합니다(두 지역다 접촉 감염 이미발생).
 ㅇ 타나, 타마타브, 피아나란추에 대한 추가 조치
    - 반드시 필요한 경우를 제외하고 외출 금지
       => 오전 중 장보기 목적의 외출시에도 차를 세워 반드시 필요하냐는 검문을 할 수 있으니, 횟수를 줄여주십시오.
    - 물류 운송 차량은 통행금지시간을 제외하고 자유롭게 이동 가능
    - 지역간 통행로에 장벽 설치
    - 외출시 마스크 착용 의무화, 근무를 해야만 하는 경우 사무실에서도 마스크 의무 착용
    - 코로나-19 증상을 보일 경우 지정병원에 바로 연락하여 검사 실시
    - 손을 씻을 수 있는 공용 수도 설치 확대
    - 잠재 감염자는 보건요원이 가정별로 이동해 진단검사 실시 예정

 ㅇ 그 외 대통령 언급 사항
    - 지방 도시별로 시장, 지방정부대표 등과 함께 해당 지역의 보건위생 및 질병통제를 직접 수행할 코로나-19 대응 위원회(Loharano) 설치, 마을별 구호물자 배급, 통제 등도 동 위원회에서 관리 예정
    - 보건 문제, 근로를 지속해야 하는 사업장 관리 등도 모두 Loharano에서 통제 예정

오늘부터 18(토)까지는 모든 외출시와 직장내 근무시간 전시간에 모두 마스크를 착용하여야 한다는 점 가족, 사업장내 근로자, 지인들에게 확인 말씀을 전파해주십시오. 마스크 관련, 아이마르 사장님께서  한인들을 위해 큰 기증을 해주신 점 저희 대사관에서도 큰 감사의 인사를 드립니다.

통행제한 기간이 연장되어 여러모로 불편하시겠지만, 방심하지 마시고 개인 방역조치와 사회적 거리두기를 생활화해 주시길 당부 드립니다. 감사합니다.