
Antanambao (Ambanja)

507 bytes added, 06:41, 12 December 2016
Created page with "'''Antanambao is a common name for villages on Madagascar. This Antanambao refers to a village located near the Sambirano river in the Ambanja district in the northwest of..."
'''Antanambao is a common name for villages on Madagascar. This Antanambao refers to a village located near the Sambirano river in the [[Ambanja]] district in the northwest of Madagascar.'''

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-13.892448" lon="48.484674" type="satellite" zoom="16" controls="large">
-13.892448, 48.484674
Antanambao (Ambanja)

'''GPS coordinates'''<br>
Google: 13°53'32.8"S 48°29'04.8"E<br>
Garmin: -13.892448, 48.484674

View all [[Antanambao_(Ambanja)_photos|Antanambao photos]]