
Andrianampoinimerina - King of Merina Kingdom

3 bytes added, 14:23, 28 December 2009
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He is widely recognised as one of the three greatest Merinas to have ruled Madagascar before the French occupation, along with his son {{nowrap begin}}Radama I{{nowrap end}} and the Prime Minister Rainilaiarivony. Andrianampoinimerina issued many laws, such as land reforms and trade regulations. Each person was given enough land for rice production to support their families, the leftovers was paid as a rice tribute to the king. Community projects, such as building canals, were imposed through forced labor with bonuses for the most productive workers. He standardised the usage of weight scales and all units for volume and length measurements at the markets. Additionally, the use of money was standardised and regularised. Andrianampoinimerina also organised the military force by creating a citizen army called <i>Foloalindahy - the 100,000 soldiers</i> and forbid the burning of forests.
Andrianampoinimerina had several wives and at least 30 children. His successor was his son {{nowrap begin}}Radama I,{{nowrap end}} who conquered with the help of Britain conquered most of the rest remaining land of Madagascar island.