
Ankarana National Park

720 bytes added, 07:38, 17 December 2011
Circuits (tours) in the eastern part of the park
=== Lac Vert / The Green Lake ===
8 to 9 hours trek, moderately difficult because of the length of the trail. This part of Ankarana is only accessible during the dry season from June to December. The track comprises the extent of the tsingy. The Amposatelo stream is ideal for a cool-down and swim. Trekkers can observe Crowned lemur, Sanford's lemur, Northern sportive lemur, Ring-tailed mongoose, fossa, birds such as a White-breasted mesite, Madagascar crested ibis and flycatcher.<br><br>
== Circuits (tours) in the western part of the park ==
The western part of Ankarana is only accessible during the dry season from June to December, when the Antenan'Ankarana river is traversable by car.
=== The Cave and Cathedral of Andrafiabe ===
uration : 5 hours of walk in loop
The Underground cave of Andrafiabe and the Cathedral have beautiful concretions and vast rocky confines. An opening on the ceiling of the cathedral shows the sun rays, forming a halo of light. The canyon of the mounds of Chaumont that joins the two underground cave, is a magnificent valley. Bat, lemurs, birds and reptiles are found in this circuit, as well as a new species of newly identified rodent: the Eliurus sp. nov.-->
== Circuits (tours) in the western part of the park==